If you read my blog back in September you will remember that I helped to host Jo Swinson MP, who came to Nigeria for a week as a VSO volunteer, VSO have a scheme enabling MPs to volunteer for a short time. Jo came to support ICEED to advocate for a National Climate Change Commission Bill. The bill has now been accepted by both Houses; in this case the House of Representatives and the House of Senates, and is waiting for the signature of President Goodluck Jonathan, which hopefully will occur in advance of the forthcoming General Election.
On 24th November, the Overseas Voluntary Sector was discussed in the House of Commons, and you can follow the debate on Hansard or They Work for You, or read the whole day’s proceedings which is quite fascinating, I didn’t know for example that they open in prayer and that they really write down AYES and NOES, and list all those who voted each way. And my name is mentioned on page 102!
Jo (left) wearing the dress made by Chisoba (right)
If you look at the links, I recommend the They Work for You link, you will see that Jo has really tried to tell the story of her time in Nigeria, not just the big things she did, lobbying State Government and so on, but the story of Chisoba, my tailor who made her a dress and Dickson, the ICEED driver. Jo didn't tell Chisoba that she was an MP, as she didn’t want to intimidate her, but next time I go to see Chisoba I will take a print out of p102 from this Hansard document and show her that she has been mentioned in the House of Commons.
Originator identification no, 941684 Danladi Inuwa Achimugu, yes, now it shows i too, i, am in a season with vsoNigeria, deliberating on issue concerning vso, volunteer, your commendation in Nigeria house of assembly and senate is working, you have not the knowledge on a proposal by the government of Nigeria, the creation of additional state, and more local government, including spliting of present Dekina local government, where i,hope for Biraidu, district, if eventually the legistlature adapted the motion and cross sign by the president, may two more state will be approve, and my time return home to contest for a chairman will commenced, in the coming year i, will take a job with Alhaji, and hope to9 save up to !20,000, before 2013, devinately i will stand the as origin, of Biraidu wishing to contest.
I was until recently a VSO volunteer working at Nigeria Environment Study Action Team in Ibadan.
I have just returned to the UK (Nov 2011).
This blog aims to give my friends and family an insight into my life, so feedback is welcome!
Phone me or skype me if you know me and have my number, if you know me and don't have my number please find out!
Thank you for praying for me, please keep it up and remember my friends and family who miss me at home.
Please pray now for settling into my work, making friends and finding a church where I feel comfortable.
Please remember Nigeria in your prayers, the now late President died last week and the former Acting President Goodluck Jonathan has been sworn in as President. There will be elections next year, and there is still trouble in Jos, all be it much quieter, but there is still a curfew from 6pm to 6am.
Originator identification no, 941684 Danladi Inuwa Achimugu, yes, now it shows i too, i, am in a season with vsoNigeria, deliberating on issue concerning vso, volunteer, your commendation in Nigeria house of assembly and senate is working, you have not the knowledge on a proposal by the government of Nigeria, the creation of additional state, and more local government, including spliting of present Dekina local government, where i,hope for Biraidu, district, if eventually the legistlature adapted the motion and cross sign by the president, may two more state will be approve, and my time return home to contest for a chairman will commenced, in the coming year i, will take a job with Alhaji, and hope to9 save up to !20,000, before 2013, devinately i will stand the as origin, of Biraidu wishing to contest.